Signs in the Landscape - Bienal Sur: Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil - Brasilia, Brazil

19 September - 5 November 2023
"Signs in the Landscape seeks to generate, through artistic production, a reflection on the ways in which the world we inhabit is being modified. In different ways, our gaze on the natural environment - previously identified among conventional artistic themes as the landscape in a state of urgency - demands attention.

For centuries we have known that human societies have been modifying the natural environment through resource extractivism, which has a great impact on the planet. In Bruno Latour's terms, this "new climate regime" illustrates the "total disconnect between the scope, nature and scale of the phenomena and the set of emotions, habits of thought and feelings that would be necessary to deal with such a crisis: not so much to act in response to it, but to give it more than passing attention."
In search of a reconnection, the arts are part of the spaces that try to address these issues, draw attention to them and propose alternatives. In this sense, and because we believe in the capacity of the symbolic to confront us differently with everyday reality and trigger alternative situations of reflection, it is worthwhile to unfold a possible path as a way of putting together numerous partialities, details of a larger universe, visible signs that something is happening, with the idea that together they are capable of inviting us to rethink the ways in which our lives are linked to those of the nature of which we are a part."


Curator: Diana B. Wechsler


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Artworks included:

The Emerging II

The Emerging III