Adaptability - Ceramics Exhibition
Saudi Arabia Museum of Contemporary Art @Jax 20 February - 20 May 2025“From the earth’s crust and its waters to the scorching heat of its fire and the harshness of reality—this is the eternal story of clay’s birth and its shaping by... -
Thikra: Night of Remembering
We’re thrilled to announce Thikra: Night of Remembering , an extraordinary collaboration between Akram Khan and Manal AlDowayan, premiering in Wadi AlFann from January 25,26 and 27, 2025. Manal is... -
Catalogue of the Saudi Pavilion at the Venice Biennale Available for Download
We are excited to announce that the catalogue for Manal's participation in the Venice Biennale is now available for purchase or download. This bilingual publication, in Arabic and English, features... -
New Book! "Oasis of Stories: Manal AlDowayan and the People of AlUla"
2024We are thrilled to announce the launch of the new book Oasis of Stories: Manal AlDowayan and the People of AlUla , published in collaboration with the Royal Commission for... -
Alula presents Two Exhibitions for Manal AlDowayan: Oasis of Stories and Their Love is Like All Loves
Manal has inaugurated two exhibitions in AlUla. Within a five-minute walk, visitors can experience a solo showcase of her recent artistic endeavours alongside the outcomes of participatory workshops conducted with... -
Announcement! Manal is going to represent Saudi Arabia at the Venice Biennale 2024
VENICE BIENNALE 2024Manal AlDowayan has been chosen by the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Culture’s Visual Arts Commission to represent Saudi Arabia at the 60th International Venice Biennale 2024, taking place from April... -
In Conversation with Manal AlDowayan
Misk Virtual Talk Series October 3, 2023 October 3, 2023Manal will be giving an exciting talk on the path to artistic growth on October 3rd, 2023 as part of Misks' Virtual talk series 'In Conversation'. Understand the dynamic realities... -
National Cultural Awards, Ministry of Culture Saudi Arabia- September 9, 2023 September 9, 2023We are happy to share the news that Manal AlDowayan has received the award of Visual Arts as part of the National Cultural Awards, an annual initiate by the Ministry... -
From Shattered Ruins, New Life Shall Bloom
Performance - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York 22 May 2023 May 22, 2023Manal AlDowayan is delighted to invite visitors to participate in a site-specific installation at the Guggenheim Museum in New York on May 22 at 6 pm. A landscape of totems... -
Women Defining Women in Contemporary Art of the Middle East and Beyond
Exhibition - LACMA, Los Angeles 23 Apr - 24 Sept 2023 April 23, 2023The Los Angeles County Museum of Art has recently inaugurated the exhibition “Women Defining Women in Contemporary Art of the Middle East and Beyond“. Manal AlDowayan’s artworks included in the... -
VIRTUAL SUMMER INTERNSHIP 2023 JUNE - AUGUST 2023 June 1, 2023Manal AlDowayan Studio in looking for summer interns...apply! Are you an art student? do you speak both English and Arabic fluently? Are you interested in working with a studio team... -
MISK ART INSTITUTE - RIYADH 01 March - 15 June 2023 March 1, 2023MANAL ALDOWAYANS FIRST SOLO SHOW IN SAUDI ARABIA We are very honored to announce the launching of a monographic book in collaboration with Misk Art Institute and partnership with Rizzoli... -
SABRINA AMRANI GALLERY - MADRID 4 FEBRUARY - 15 APRIL 2023 February 4, 2023How do you relate to a story that has not been told? What if you found that your own story belonged to a forsaken and forgotten history that resurfaced after... -
A Force to Inspire: Standing at the Ruin
TALK - MISK Art Institute December 8, 2022 December 8, 2022Many diverse resources can trigger nostalgia, from conversations to items of clothing, a photograph, a piece of music, or by celebrating Ramadan. Are such objects, materials, sounds, scents, or traditions... -
ICON.ICONIC. Art Here 2022, Richard Mille Art Prize
EXHIBITION - Louvre Abu Dhabi From November 18, 2022 to February 10, 2023 November 18, 2022“How does contemporary art help us rethink the notion of an artistic icon in the 21st century? What is the role of the museum in both addressing and conferring the... -
Songs From The Shore
EXHIBITION - Setouchi Triennale 2022 From September 27 to November 6, 2022 September 27, 2022Manal opened her installation at Ibuki Island in Japan, as part of the Setouchi Triennale Curated by Fran Kitagawa. “Songs from the Shore” is participatory artwork sent from Saudi Arabia... -
Art Water Bottles Project - Fifa World Cup
COMMISSION - Fifa World Cup From November 21, 2022 November 21, 2022Manal has been commissioned to represent Saudi Arabia participation. The design was inspired from an existing work made 20 years ago. “The Choice” addresses the subject of women’s access to... -
Ephemeral Witness on display
Permanent Collection - The Centre Pompidou, ParisManal AlDowayan’s artwork 'Epheremal Witness' is now displayed in the permanent collection of the Centre Pompidou in Paris. In this piece the artist, inspired by desert roses, use their form,... -
Ephemeral Witness
ACQUISITION - The Centre Pompidou May 11, 2022 May 11, 2022'Epheremal Witness' is an artwork that imitates the form of a sand crystal called the Desert Rose, an archeological phenomena, found in very few deserts around the world. This specific... -
Dior Lady Art
COMMISSION - Dior December 21, 2021 December 21, 2021Manal has been commissioned by Dior to reinvent the Lady Dior bag for the sixth edition of #DiorLadyArt. Referencing her own past output and her Saudi heritage, the three bags... -
EXHIBTION - FIRST AD-DIRIYAH BIENNALE OF CONTEMPORARY ART FROM DECEMBER, 2021 TO MARCH 11, 2022 December 11, 2020In the section “Going Public” Manal AlDowayan’s shows the installation “Tree of Guardians” . In Tree of Guardians, brass leaves inscribed with women’s names float in the air like a... -
LANDART PROJECT - ROYAL COMMISSION OF ALULAEXPECTED TO OPEN AT THE END OF 2024Manal was commissioned to create a major land art artwork as part of the Wadi Alfann Valley of the Arts in AlUla - Saudi Arabia Wadi AlFann, meaning ‘Valley of...